Content Marketing Strategy: Dos & Don’ts

Content marketing strategy

When it comes to content marketing strategy it’s not all about what you do. What you don’t do could also determine whether you fail or succeed.

What should you do to make sure your content marketing strategy is succeeding?

Plan your Content Production

First and essential step for your strategy: Write down at least 52 posts you could create, so you will know if you have enough content to share with your public for an entire year. Otherwise, you could be facing the pressure to create content which could lead to poor and uninteresting posts.

Research your Keywords

Create your content on important keywords. Find out the language your public uses when searching for your product or service to correctly answer their needs. Put yourself in your costumer’s shoes. If you were looking for your type of product or service, what would you write?

About this topic check out our previous article: How to do Keyword Research: Keyword Tool for SEO Optimization

Sales Funnel

Not everyone is at the same point on the buyer’s journey when they reach your website. Create a content marketing strategy that addresses different stages and guide your audience through the buying process. This will increase your odds to find people at the perfect timing.

Think Multi-Platform

Avoid focusing on a single platform and always extract most of your content. Wrote a text? Turn it into a podcast, record a video and create an image to share everywhere. Do different and interesting things with your content.

Like we’ve said earlier, what you don’t do is also an important part of your content marketing strategy.

What are the don’ts in this scenario?

No purpose

First of all, content demands efforts and investment. Don’t create content just to increase your website’s density, don’t bore your costumers. Try to educate your public, leading through the buyer’s journey.

SEO only

Although it is a good content marketing strategy to have a lot of relevant keywords in your content, stuffing your content with chosen keywords will turn your content unreadable, exhausting and non-human. Don’t do it, unless you want to drive your audience away.

One Kind

Being on different stages means different doubts and notion about your product/service. Creating always the same content (length, voice, info) will not help you or your public to achieve your goals.

No promotion

If publishing your content is just the first step of your content marketing strategy, promoting is where you should spend most of your effort. Make sure you reach your public.

Learn more on Content Marketing strategy.

Social Media Strategy: Achieve Success in 7 Steps

Social media strategy may seem like an easy thing to create but it is actually a task that requires a lot of planning and organization.

With this 7 Step Social Media Strategy, you can save a lot of time while redirecting your business right next to the top of mind brands.

Social media strategy

STEP 1 – Set social media goals

When setting your goals you need to pay attention to the whole and not just a part. What is your purpose? What you want from your business.

Define goals in order to have a cohesive strategy in your company, otherwise, your social media strategy could be counter-productive.

Your goals should be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-based.

STEP 2 – Know your audience

“Put yourself in your costumer’s shoes” that is definitely the best social media strategy to follow.

If you know your audience, you know where they are and what they want. Don’t expect to engage people you know nothing about, create content that your audience will relate to.

STEP 3 – Create content with your message

Now that you know your audience, pick you central message and build your content around it. By doing this your communication will become much stronger and powerful.

Your social media strategy success will be based on how well you deliver the message. Did people really get it? Was it memorable?

STEP 4 – Humanize your posts

Nothing is worse than talking to a machine. By reading your content, people should feel like you are a real person, that understands people and can relate to them, otherwise, it can drive them away. When things are too mechanic something just doesn’t connect.

STEP 5 – Focus on your strategy

If you have a plan, you have a message and you know your audience why aren’t you being more successful?

It could be a number of things but mainly when it comes to this part of social media strategy you lose focus. You have good results and people are engaged but you insist on posting funny videos and deep quotes from known Philosophers and meanwhile your goal was to sell more. How is that helping? Focus on your goals and work to achieve them.

STEP 6 – Keep an eye on the competition

Do you know who you are competing against? It’s time to learn. Make a list for your top competitors regarding your business and then make a list of social media that have the same tone you would like to have.

For example, if you sell shoes, your first list should have all your competition in selling shoes and the second list should have all pages you think best communicate their message and sell their products the way you want to.

Do not copy their content, just keep them under your observation you may have great ideas come out of it.

STEP 7 – Analyze and adapt

This is the most important part of a social media strategy. Sure, there are rules and tips you can use, but only by analysing what you did is possible to see what is working and what needs to be adjusted.

Use the right KPI’S to measure your success and figure out how to beat yourself.

Start your social media strategy today!

More information on social media marketing

Social Media Marketing: 5 Neglected Rules

Social Media Marketing is one of the hot topics nowadays. There is a lot of information on the subject and sometimes we can get a little lost. To help you optimize your social media marketing, we created a top 5 of rules that many times are neglected.

Social Media Marketing

1. Your post will be judged by its cover

“When people hear information, they’re likely to remember only 10% of that information three days later. However, if a relevant image is paired with that same information, people retained 65% of the information three days later.  (Source)”

When it comes to social media marketing the “cover” you create is very important. That is what will lower people in. Create beautiful and attractive posts to get more engagement. Social media marketing is often about creating relevant content, and yes, content is the king but if and don’t have the image to go with it, people are most likely to forget about it.

2. Content quality over quantity

Posting a lot doesn’t guarantee you engagement, it’s actually the opposite. If you are constantly flooding people with irrelevant content it is likely that you will lose your audience. Social media marketing is all about balance. Not too much, not too little.

Interesting, fun and light content will create relevance for your business and attract more followers.

But pay attention, quality over quantity doesn’t mean you’ll be posting once a month, regularity is also key to achieving engagement.

3. Always respond to comments and questions

This is one of the most neglected rules of all social media marketing. Sounds simple. Someone posts a question or a comment on your social media you answer it! Don’t do it tomorrow, don’t do it later, do it now! People need to know you care enough to give them feedback, also, you will improve your image by not leaving posts without replies on your page.

What if the comment on your page is a negative one, should you delete it? Never. When facing criticism you need to take a very calm tone and give simple answers, try to take the person to a private conversation in a chat or a phone call and do what it takes to get them back on your site. Negative feedback on your page causes damage for your image and it is very difficult to solve once it’s out there. Make sure you deal with your social media marketing crisis in the right way.

4. Relate to your audience

Don’t you find it funny when you see a post about your current situation? Like “I hate Monday morning” or “Guess who’s going to the beach today? That’s right, some lucky bastard because I have to work”

Relating to your audience is sometimes neglected in social media marketing, but it is a really big mistake.

People often tell you to know your audience. That is not enough. You have to adjust your language, your content, everything so that they feel related to you, and more likely to buy what you are selling!

Don’t go posting at 5 am when your audience is a group of business managers with zero free time. Their phones are full of posts and important things and yours will be lost in there. Post at the time they are having a lunch break, or a coffee break or before they go to bed and check their emails, Facebook and Instagram.

How old are they? Should you talk in a more formal way or should you talk like one of their friends?

Research, learn, adapt and go nail it!

5. Subtitles on – Always!

We’ll admit this one takes work and patience, but the results are amazing!

How many times have people sent you a video that you couldn’t watch because you couldn’t turn the sound on? And how many times have you watched videos without a sound because they have subtitles?

A video is one of the best formats in social media marketing, people watch it, love it and share it. To find out more about social media marketing you can check our dedicated service page!

What is content marketing? Lesson number 1

We keep hearing these talks of the new digital age and content marketing seems to be in all of them. But do we know what is content marketing? What it really means?

Content marketing is a strategy which consists of using content to create value to your business. The way to achieve it is by creating valuable, relevant and consistent content.

How do you know if you have valuable or relevant content?

First of all, each case is different, but we can all agree there are some ground rules.

The keyword here is the ease of your content. It has to be easy to find, easy to read, easy to understand and easy to share.

Get those right and you’re halfway there.

Now that we explained what content marketing is and how to create valuable content, let’s see what are the benefits of it.

“81% of shoppers research online before setting foot in a store.” []

Increased brand awareness

As prospects and buyers search the web for answers to their questions and solutions for their problems, your brand continues to show up.

Increased brand preference

Content marketing helps to further establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry, which strengthens relationships with buyers.

Greater reach at lower cost

It is not a short-term strategy, but over time, a library of great content will continue to reach more qualified leads and interested buyers.

Learn more about the strategic aspect of Content Marketing by reading one of our previous article on Content Marketing Strategy.

Why Use Facebook For Business?

Do you have a business? Do you have access to the internet? If the answer to both those questions is yes, then you should be using Facebook for business.

Facebook for Business

Facebook has over 1.86 billion monthly active users with a 17% yearly increase. This pretty much means that Facebook has the largest audience in the entire social media world. And despite everything that has been said about Facebook slowly dying, the fact is that it is still the best social network out there. And it will be for a long time.

Why Use Facebook For Business

  • Did we mention the large audience? There’s always room to find new customers to your business on Facebook, and it’s the best place to sell your brand online.
  • It’s a great place to leverage information about your customers and create a relationship with them. With Facebook Insights you can get great information about your page’s performance, like the reach of your posts and page engagement. Also, if Facebook ever were to disappear, you’d still have a database of all your customers.
  • You can control your marketing expenses to the minimum and achieve a great ROI. You can invest as little as 0 to as much as you can/want and grow your community in both cases. Facebook ads are inexpensive, when compared to traditional marketing, and reach a much higher audience.
  • You can reach your niche very easily. Because there are 1.86 billion monthly active users on Facebook, it can seem overwhelming when deciding on your target. But Facebook allows you to design and reach your specific target – big or small – and avoid any waste of investment. You can target within location, age, gender, tastes, and much more.
  • It’s a great place to generate more traffic to your website if you’re doing it right. You can’t just create content on Facebook, you need to wear your marketer suit. Use links back to your page, with appealing images that draw attention to your subject.
  • Use it to see what your competition is up to. Follow other pages similar to yours and pay close attention to what they’re posting and how they’re interacting (or not) with their customers.
  • If your website’s not ranking as high as you’d like on search engines, boosting your Facebook page can be a great way to appear on the first page of Google Search.

How to Make The Best Use Of Facebook For Business

  • Create valuable content related to your business. People will not follow your page if: 1) you’re not consistently posting
    2) if your content is worthless to them.
  • Engage with your audience and pay attention to their feedback. You can use Facebook for business to ask your readers and customers what they’d like to see posted. You can even run surveys that will better help you understand which type of content they prefer or get answers to a specific problem you have in your business. For example, if you’re struggling between laughing a red or green laptop, running a survey on Facebook can give you a quick and painless answer.
  • Make use of the News Feed Ad Placement. Facebook makes it very easy and cost-effective to announce your brand on your specific target’s newsfeed. You need to have a Facebook page for this, otherwise, your ad will be placed in the right column only. The good thing about placing your ad in the news feed page is that it doesn’t feel much like an advertisement, because it’s very similar to any other linked post. You can also boost existing posts that are very popular and you think more people would appreciate it too.
  • If your business has a blog – which it should – make sure you share your blog posts on the Facebook page. This will not only drive people to your website, but it will also be a great platform to start discussions and debates that bring attention to the page.

Engaging is the Key

There are a lot of great things you can do for your business by being on Facebook. Hopefully, by now you are convinced of its benefits and if you’re not already kicking ass on social media, you will now!

Remember that ultimately humans relate to humans and it’s much easier for a person to create empathy with a page if that page is personal and humanized. This means you should drop the cold communication of traditional advertisement and engage with your followers the same way you would with a friend – in various levels depending to what kind of business you run, of course.

More tips on social media here!

5 Social Media Trends You Should Follow in 2017

Social media has become one of the most powerful tools a marketer can have when creating a strategic plan for success. It is one of the fastest changing industries and a single change can make the biggest difference. We’ve got you covered on why creating content for your readers or consumers is so important to keep them engaged. Now we’re going to push it a bit further and spill the beans on 5 big social media trends for the current year of 2017.

Continue reading “5 Social Media Trends You Should Follow in 2017”

Inbound Marketing vs. Outbound Marketing

A few years ago companies were betting all their cards on reaching their customers through outbound marketing. Now, we’re living in the era of inbound marketing. For every marketer, content marketing should be your priority: it attracts your most desired target to your business and makes them want you over someone else.

So, what’s the difference?

Continue reading “Inbound Marketing vs. Outbound Marketing”