
Google Shopping Management

SEO Services - Google Shopping Campaigns

Google Shopping Management

Google Shopping Ads allows e-commerce sites to promote their online inventory by increasing the number of visits to their websites and physical shops which leads to more sales and revenue.

SEO Services - Google Shopping Campaigns

What are the benefits of Google Shopping campaigns?

Google Shopping Campaign

We have experience creating and managing Google Shopping Ads in several countries and languages. We will optimize product feed and campaigns themselves to achieve the following goals:

More Traffic

Many businesses experience significantly higher clickthrough rates (CTR) with Shopping ads compared to text ads shown in the same location for shopping-related searches. In some cases, advertisers have experienced double or triple standard clickthrough rates.

Better Qualified Leads

As a merchant, you can increase the quality of your leads by featuring product information directly in your ads to help shoppers make informed purchase decisions. This makes shoppers more likely to complete a purchase on your site.

Broader Presence

More than one of your Shopping ads can appear for a given user search and, if relevant, a Google Shopping ad and a text ad can also appear at the same time. This means your reach with shoppers for a single search could double.

Easy Campaign Management

Instead of keywords, Google Shopping ads use the product attributes you defined in your Merchant Center data feed to show your ads on relevant searches. Browse your product inventory directly in AdWords and create product groups for the items you want to bid on.

Google Shopping allows the paid promotion of product inventory by retailers. It will enable them to increase the number of visits (and thus sales) to their websites and/or physical stores. For the customers it allows them to search for, view and compare products online from different e-commerce. These products are displayed when a customer uses Google to search for a product. They can appear in the main search engine results page or under the shopping tab as well as in Gmail (since March 2020).

Google Shopping Management

Google Shopping Ads consist of a photo of the product, a title, a price and the store name (among others). Given that the user will be impacted by this information before clicking on the ad, the online stores can get more qualified visits.

It is also important to mention that Google Shopping campaigns allow any e-commerce website to show ads on Google Shopping, Google Search Network (before the traditional Google text ads) and Google Network partners (including YouTube) and Gmail.

Google Shopping Management Google Shopping Google Shopping Campaign

Yes, it is possible to create Google Shopping Ads in the UK!

Since its introduction in 2002, it is possible to create and advertise Google Shopping campaigns in the United Kingdom.

Currently (January 2020), we can manage your Shopping ads campaigns in the following countries:

  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • France
  • Germany
  • Hong Kong
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Malaysia
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • Philippines
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • the Netherlands
  • Russia
  • Singapore
  • South Africa
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Taiwan
  • Turkey
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Kingdom
  • United States of America
You can check the full list of countries (including the available languages for each) in the Google Merchant Center Help website.

In order to create and run Shopping Ads, the retailers/shoppers need to respect and follow a certain number of requirements listed below:

  1. Google Merchant Account: to create the product feed
  2. Google Ads: to set up the campaign
  3. Link both accounts together
  4. Respect Google Shopping Policies: regarding products & content
  5. Respect Adwords Advertising Policies
  6. Update Product Data Feed: update it at least every 30 days

Moreover, in terms of ad restrictions, Google Shopping Ads are following the same guideline as a normal Google Search Ads. This means that certain kinds of products such as adult, health-related, alcohol and tobacco, etc. are more heavily regulated or even banned.

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