An SEO beginner’s guide to robots.txt

What is a robots.txt file?

You’ve heard of this term before but don’t really get it? A robots.txt file is like the virtual bouncer guarding the entrance to your website. Its job is to inform search engine bots which areas they are allowed to visit and which ones they should avoid.

In essence, robots.txt serves as a set of instructions for search engine bots, guiding them on where they are permitted to explore on your website and where they are not welcome. You can learn more about the robots.txt file in the Crawling and Indexing section of the Google Developers documentation.

Now, why bother optimising your robots.txt file? Well, think of it like this: just as you wouldn’t invite a bull into a delicate china shop to avoid damage, you also don’t want search engines to crawl indiscriminately and index every single page of your website.

By optimising your robots.txt, you effectively communicate to search engines which parts of your site they should avoid and which areas they can access.

What should be in robots.txt?

Here’s where the real fun begins. You want your website to be indexed by search engines, but you also want to keep certain parts private. So, how do you strike that balance? Let’s break it down.

Allow the good stuff

Begin with the “Allow” directive. If you’ve got content you want people to see, allow search engines to access it. For example:

User-agent: Googlebot
Allow: /awesome-content/

Disallow the junk

On the other side, there’s the “Disallow” directive. Use this to keep the search engine bots away from pages that don’t add value, like login pages or admin panels. For example:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /login/

Sorry, bots, no backstage passes for you!

Rules for specific user-agents

You can create specific rules for different search engine bots. For instance:

User-agent: Bingbot
Disallow: /not-for-bing/

You’re telling Bingbot, “You can’t enter here”!

Common mistakes to avoid

Remember, robots.txt can be a double-edged sword, so wield it wisely:

  • Blocking all bots: Unless you want to go off the grid, don’t block all bots with a wildcard (*) unless you have a very good reason. When you block all bots, you’re essentially telling the world that your website is closed for business.
  • Using irrelevant rules: Don’t create rules for sections of your website that you want search engines to index.
  • Neglecting updates: Your website evolves, and so should your robots.txt file. Update it regularly to keep up with your site’s changing landscape.

Extra: Don’t forget to test your robots.txt

Run it through a tester before you unleash your newly optimised robots.txt on your live website. Google has a handy tool for this – the robots.txt tester in Google Search Console.

Best practices for robots.txt

Here are some golden nuggets of advice for best practices for robots.txt files:

Add sitemap references: Include references to your sitemaps in your robots.txt to help search engines find and crawl your content efficiently.

Check for errors: Regularly monitor your robots.txt for errors. Broken or overly restrictive rules can seriously hurt your SEO.
Stay informed: Keep up to date on search engine guidelines. Google and other search engines may change their crawling behaviour over time.

A robots.txt example

Now, let’s roll up our sleeves and get practical. Here’s a real-life example of a Robots.txt file to show you how to put these concepts into action:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /private/
Disallow: /admin/
Disallow: /temp/

User-agent: Googlebot
Allow: /blog/
Allow: /products/
Disallow: /private/

User-agent: Bingbot
Allow: /products/
Disallow: /temp/

In this example, we have three sections, each targeting different user-agents – the universal wildcard (*), Googlebot, and Bingbot. This demonstrates how you can create rules for specific search engine bots while maintaining general rules for all bots.

  • For all bots, the /private/, /admin/, and /temp/ directories are off-limits. 
  • Googlebot is given access to the /blog/ and /products/ sections, which are the public spaces of the website.
  • Bingbot is allowed to crawl the /products/ section but is denied access to the /temp/ directory.

Remember, the specific rules and directory paths should be adapted to your website’s structure and content. This is just a basic example to illustrate the concept.

Tools for generating robots.txt automatically

Now, I understand that creating a robots.txt file manually can be a daunting task, especially if you’re dealing with a complex website structure. Fortunately, several tools are available to help you generate robots.txt files quickly and accurately. Below, we’ll explore the best tools for different website platforms:

Robots.txt for WordPress

  • Yoast SEO plugin: This plugin is a must-have if you’re running a WordPress site. It assists with on-page SEO and includes a user-friendly feature for generating and editing your robots.txt file.
  • All in One SEO pack: Another popular SEO plugin for WordPress, the All in One SEO Pack, also provides an option to generate and customise your robots.txt file. It’s an excellent choice for those who prefer an alternative to Yoast.

Robots.txt for Shopify

  • Shopify SEO manager apps: Shopify offers various SEO manager apps, such as Plug in SEO and SEO Manager, that come with robots.txt generator features. These apps are specifically designed for Shopify users, making robots.txt configuration easier and more tailored to e-commerce sites.

Robots.txt for Webflow

  • Webflow’s built-in tools: Webflow users have the advantage of using the platform’s native SEO settings. You can easily customise your robots.txt file within Webflow by going to the project settings and navigating to the SEO section. The feature is integrated into the platform, simplifying the process for designers and developers.

Robots.txt for Wix

  • Wix SEO Wiz: Wix offers an SEO Wiz that assists users in generating a robots.txt file. It provides a step-by-step guide to optimise your website’s SEO, including creating and configuring your robots.txt file.
  • Third-party SEO tools: While Wix’s native SEO features are user-friendly, you can opt for third-party SEO tools that cater to Wix websites. Tools like SiteGuru or SEMrush can help you efficiently create and manage your robots.txt file.

These tools and plugins are designed to make your life easier. They automate generating a robots.txt file and often offer user-friendly interfaces to customise rules based on your specific needs.

At UniK SEO, we consistently get the same questions about robots.txt. As a bonus, you’ll find the most frequently asked ones below. Our SEO team will try to answer them as briefly as possible.

Do all search engines follow the robots.txt rules?

Most major search engines, including Google, Bing, and Yahoo, follow Robots.txt rules. However, smaller, less popular search engines may not always obey these directives.

Can I hide sensitive information using robots.txt?

No, robots.txt is not a security measure. It’s just a guideline for search engines. If you need to secure sensitive data, use other means, such as password protection.

Is robots.txt the same as a “noindex” tag?

No, they are not the same. Robots.txt controls crawling, while a “noindex” tag on a webpage tells search engines not to index that specific page.

Still trying to figure out how to optimise your robots.txt? Reach out now for a free SEO analysis!

How Can an E-Commerce SEO Audit Boost Your Business?

As an online store owner, you understand the importance of driving traffic to your site to increase sales and revenue. What you may be missing out on is the fact that, in order to achieve this, your website must be optimized for search engines.

With so many competitors in the digital marketplace, implementing an effective SEO for e-commerce strategy is vital; one way to ensure your digital store is optimized for search engines is by conducting an e-commerce SEO audit.

In this article, we will explore how said audit can boost your business, while also providing you with a comprehensive e-commerce SEO audit checklist. We at UniK SEO, a specialized SEO agency in Lisbon, are here to help you in any way we can, so… let’s speed up that loading time and get right to it, shall we?

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What Is an E-Commerce SEO Audit?

First things first: an e-commerce SEO audit is an in-depth analysis of your online store’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts. The audit identifies areas of improvement and provides actionable recommendations to optimize your site for search engines.

This process can help your e-commerce store rank higher in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), leading to increased visibility, organic traffic, and ultimately, sales.

Benefits of an E-Commerce SEO Audit

· Identify SEO Weaknesses

An e-commerce SEO site audit enables you to identify areas where your website may be underperforming in terms of SEO. By addressing these issues, you can improve your site’s search engine ranking and boost organic traffic.

· Enhance User Experience

A well-optimized website provides a better user experience (UX), which can result in longer site visits and higher conversion rates; if you choose to implement an e-commerce SEO audit, we’ll be able to help you pinpoint areas where the UX can be improved.

· Outrank Competitors

As the digital marketplace becomes increasingly competitive, an e-commerce SEO audit can give you an edge over your rivals by providing insights into their strategies and highlighting areas where you can outperform them – it’s that simple.

· Improve Conversion Rates

By optimizing your website for search engines and enhancing the UX, an e-commerce SEO audit can lead to increased organic traffic and higher conversion rates, which will, in turn, result in more sales and revenue.

E-Commerce SEO Audit Checklist

In order to help you get started with your e-commerce SEO audit, we’ve compiled a comprehensive e-commerce SEO audit checklist – its purpose is to guide you through the essential steps you need to take to optimize your online store for search engines.

1. Technical SEO

  • Check for broken links, 404 errors, and redirects;
  • Analyze site speed and optimize for faster load times;
  • Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and responsive;
  • Review and optimize your XML sitemap and «robots.txt» file.

2. On-Page SEO

  • Conduct keyword research and target high-quality, relevant keywords;
  • Optimize your page titles, meta descriptions, and header tags;
  • Create unique, engaging, and keyword-optimized content;
  • Use descriptive and keyword-rich alt text for images.

3. Off-Page SEO

  • Analyze your backlink profile and remove toxic backlinks;
  • Develop a strategy for acquiring high-quality, authoritative backlinks;
  • Utilize social media to promote your content and drive traffic.

4. E-Commerce Specifics

  • Optimize product pages with unique titles, descriptions, and images;
  • Implement schema markup for product information;
  • Create a user-friendly site structure with easy-to-navigate categories and filters.

In Short

In the competitive world of e-commerce, an SEO audit specifically tailored for your digital business is essential for maintaining a strong online presence and driving organic traffic to your store.

By following the checklist outlined above, you can optimize your website for search engines, enhance the UX, and ultimately increase sales and revenue.

Moreover, working with an experienced SEO agency (like UniK SEO, of course) can streamline the process and ensure that your e-commerce store is fully optimized for search engines. Our experts can identify weaknesses, devise a custom strategy, and implement necessary changes to help your business thrive in the digital marketplace.

In conclusion, an e-commerce SEO audit is a crucial step in boosting your online store’s performance – it allows you to identify and rectify issues, improve UX, outrank competitors, and enhance conversion rates.

Regularly conducting audits and adapting your SEO strategy accordingly will keep you ahead of the competition and ensure the ongoing success of your e-commerce business.

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The Role of Content in SEO: Tips for Creating SEO-Friendly Content

Content is the backbone of a successful SEO strategy – it helps you communicate with your target audience, educate them, and ultimately convert them into customers.

By creating SEO-friendly content, you ensure that your website ranks higher on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), thus attracting more organic traffic.

This article will explore the role of content in SEO, and provide actionable tips on creating SEO-friendly content to boost your website’s visibility.

As an experienced SEO agency in Lisbon, UniK SEO can help you develop and implement a content strategy that boosts your online visibility and supports your business goals, whether you’re seeking to do SEO for your company in Portugal or anywhere else in the world.

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What Is SEO-Friendly Content?

First off, SEO-friendly content refers to content that is created with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in mind; it is content that both search engines and users can easily understand, access, and engage with.

When you create SEO-friendly content, you’re giving search engines like Google the right signals to rank your content higher on SERPs, making it more visible to your target audience.

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· Why Is SEO-Friendly Content Important?

We’ll tell you why – take a look at these top three reasons:

Higher rankings

High-quality, SEO-optimized content can improve your website’s search engine rankings, making it easier for potential customers to find you.

Increased organic traffic

With better rankings come more organic traffic, so, when users search for a keyword related to your content, your website is more likely to appear at the top of SERPs, thus increasing the likelihood of clicks.

Enhanced user experience (UX)

SEO-friendly content is designed for user engagement; by providing valuable information in a clear and concise manner, you improve the overall UX, which can lead to higher conversion rates.

How to Write SEO-Friendly Content

In order to create content that is both engaging and SEO-friendly, consider the following tips:

· Perform Keyword Research

Before writing your content, identify the relevant keywords your target audience is searching for.

Use keyword research tools like «Google Keyword Planner», Ahrefs, or SEMrush to discover keywords that have high search volume and low competition, and incorporate these keywords naturally throughout your content to help search engines understand its relevance.

· Focus on Readability

To engage readers and keep them on your site, your content must be easy to read and digest.

Break up large blocks of text with headings and subheadings, use short sentences and paragraphs, and employ bullet points or numbered lists where appropriate.

Additionally, use simple language and avoid jargon to ensure your content appeals to a broader audience.

· Provide Value and Solve Problems

Your content should offer value to your audience by addressing their needs, answering their questions, or solving their problems. To achieve this, research your audience’s pain points and tailor your content to address those issues.

High-quality, helpful content is more likely to be shared, linked to, and ranked higher by search engines.

How to Optimize Content for SEO

Once you’ve created your content, optimize it for search engines by following these guidelines:

· Optimize Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

Title tags and meta descriptions are important elements for SEO; ensure your title tag is unique, includes your target keyword, and is under 60 characters. As for your meta description, it should provide a concise summary of your content, include your target keyword, and be under 160 characters.

· Use Heading Tags Strategically

Use heading tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to structure your content and make it easy for both search engines and users to understand.

Include your target keyword in your H1, H2, and H3 tags where appropriate, but avoid keyword stuffing.

Proper use of heading tags not only improves readability but also helps search engines better understand your content’s structure.

· Optimize Images

Images play a crucial role in making your content more engaging, which is why you should optimize your images by compressing them to reduce file size, using descriptive file names, and including alt text with your target keyword – this ensures that search engines can understand the content of your images, and users with visual impairments can access the information.

· Include Internal and External Links

Internal linking helps search engines discover and index your content while improving UX by guiding visitors to related content on your site.

External linking, on the other hand, shows search engines that you’re providing additional resources for your readers, thus enhancing your content’s credibility.

· Monitor and Update Your Content Regularly

As your website grows and evolves, so should your content.

Regularly review and update your content to ensure it remains relevant, valuable, and optimized for SEO while keeping an eye on your content’s performance using analytics tools and making adjustments as necessary to maintain or improve its search engine rankings.

In Short

Creating SEO-friendly content is an essential aspect of a successful online presence.

By focusing on readability, providing value, and optimizing your content for search engines, you can improve your website’s rankings and drive more organic traffic, so hire an SEO agency today!

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Keeping Up with Adult SEO Tools: What You Need to Know in 2023

The adult industry is a highly competitive market and, as such, it requires a specific set of strategies to achieve success. One of the most important aspects of this success is adult SEO.

With constantly evolving search engine algorithms and increasing competition, staying up-to-date with the latest adult SEO tools is crucial.

Bearing that in mind, this article will guide you through the essentials of SEO for adult websites and provide you with the best tools and techniques for 2023.

How to Do SEO Optimization for an Adult Website

Adult websites require a different approach to SEO due to the unique challenges they face, which is why the following steps can help you optimize your adult website effectively:

· Keyword Research

Identify the most relevant and profitable keywords for your niche by using specialized adult SEO tools that can help you discover long-tail and low-competition keywords with high search volume.

· On-Page Optimization

Ensure your website has high-quality, unique, and engaging content. Use your target keywords in the title, meta description, header tags, and throughout the content.

Oh, and by the way, don’t forget to optimize images with proper alt tags and file names.

· Link Building

Acquire high-quality, relevant backlinks from authoritative websites in the adult industry – this can boost your website’s credibility and improve its ranking on search engines.

· Technical SEO

Make sure your website is mobile-friendly, fast-loading, and secure.

Additionally, create an XML sitemap and submit it to search engines to help them crawl and index your website more efficiently.

· Monitor and Analyze

Use adult SEO tools to track your website’s performance and identify areas that need improvement, in order to continuously refine your strategies to stay ahead of the competition.

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Top Adult SEO Tools for 2023

To stay competitive in the adult industry, you must utilize the best adult SEO tools available. Here are some top choices for this year:

1. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is a comprehensive SEO tool that offers keyword research, backlink analysis, and competitor research specifically for adult websites.

2. SEMrush

Probably one of the best ever, SEMrush is a powerful SEO tool that provides insights into your competitors’ strategies, helping you find profitable keywords and track your website’s performance.

3. Majestic

A link analysis tool, Majestic, allows you to discover and analyze backlinks, aiding you in building a strong link profile for your adult website.

4. Serpstat

Serpstat is a versatile SEO tool that offers keyword research, rank tracking, and on-page optimization suggestions tailored to adult websites.

5. Screaming Frog

Lastly, Screaming Frog is a website crawler that helps you identify technical SEO issues, such as broken links, duplicate content, and missing meta tags.

SEO Techniques for Adult Websites

In addition to using adult SEO tools, it’s essential to adopt procedures directly tailored to the adult industry. Here are some key strategies to consider:

· Optimize for Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are more specific and usually have lower competition. Targeting these keywords can help you rank higher on search engines and drive more targeted traffic to your website.

· Leverage User-Generated Content

Encourage your users to create and share content on your platform. This can help you generate a constant flow of fresh, unique content, thus improving your website’s SEO performance.

· Focus on User Experience (UX)

Ensure your website is user-friendly and easy to navigate. A good UX can lead to higher user engagement, which can positively impact your website’s search engine rankings.

· Implement Schema Markup

Schema markup helps search engines understand your website’s content better and can improve your visibility in search results. Adding schema markup specific to adult content can make your website stand out and increase click-through rates.

· Optimize for Voice Search

With the growing popularity of voice assistants, optimizing your content for voice search is becoming increasingly important, so use conversational language and target long-tail, question-based keywords to rank higher for voice searches.

· Develop a Strong Social Media Presence

While adult content may face restrictions on some social media platforms, you should, nevertheless, consider building a strong presence on adult-friendly platforms to help drive traffic to your website and improve your online reputation.

In Short

Staying up-to-date with the latest adult SEO tools and techniques is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge in the adult industry.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can optimize your adult website effectively and achieve higher rankings on search engines.

Remember to monitor and analyze your website’s performance and refine your strategies as needed to stay ahead of the competition.

To take your adult SEO to the next level, consider partnering with an experienced SEO agency in Lisbon like UniK SEO.

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How to Promote My Small Business Online?

In the last year alone- online business has become a fundamental of business, instead of just a clever way to promote your brand.

Here’s how to get on top, even if you’re tiny.

While internet marketing and website functionality has long been a business basic, in the year of covid lockdowns- it quickly became the only way many small businesses and local retailers saw any patrons at all.

With global marketing campaigns and multinational reach taking a backseat to local customers and convenient optimization.

What was once viewed as a way to bulk your business quickly became the only way to survive.

And chances are, yours isn’t the only small business feeling this renewed crunch to get online and get noticed.

But, online marketing is a different world. From posting a flyer or two, or just depending on word-of mouth advertising throughout your community- internet marketing comes with a plethora of options, techniques, and targeted ad experiences.

So as a small business, how do you know which campaigns to invest in, and when to save your money?

Perhaps the most useful tool for a small business looking to break out on the saturated online market is the digital marketing agency– or SEO agency.

These usually provide your business with a team of online marketing savvy individuals that know how to get you noticed in the places best suited for your small business.

Saving you time and money. The SEO services agency of today are probably just as useful as a Madison Avenue agency was in the ‘50s- but at a fraction of the cost.

Using AI, Google and analytics to get you the customers you want and the exposure you need.

Promoting With Google

Most digital marketing agency focus relies on using Google to help your business flourish in a targeted manner.

Which is no surprise as the search engine itself has become a verb. It’s rare that we’ll hear someone tell us to check out a library, or ask a friend.

Instead “Google it” has become the go to advice for just about anything: from how to treat a headache, to where to find car insurance.

Google Search Ads & Ranking

Getting your website noticed through top rankings and proliferous ads is the number one way to funnel traffic to your business, both for new customers, and those who are already brand loyal.

Top ranking sites are those that show up first anytime someone searches for something using Google.

With the right Search Engine Optimization tactics, your business has the same ability to show up for a search as any other competitor- including the big ones.

Most SEO agencies will optimize your website and any content you create to contain specific words that relate to common searches.

Which is just one way in which any business can gain relevancy online, and get themselves noticed in the community.

Google Search Ads work similarly to SEO practices, but instead of putting in the time it takes to reach those lofty heights organically, retailers can pay google to get their sites mentioned first.

Which is a great way to get the ball rolling while you’re waiting for other SEO techniques to take effect.

Especially if you take advantage of the many types of ad campaigns that Google offers– like Google video ads, shopping, and programmatic display advertising.

Google Shopping

If your small business is built on selling goods or products- Google Shopping can be a great way to get your products on your consumers radar.

As the platform allows consumers to instantly compare products and prices from a multitude of different vendors.

Google Shopping Campaign example
Google Shopping Campaign example

Working similarly to conglomerate marketplaces like Amazon and Etsy- with the ease and convenience of a Google search.

While the technology is still relatively new, being revamped and released last year, consumers have taken to the new experience quickly.

Particularly as it lets them price compare in a convenient way and all products advertised are backed by a Google guarantee.

But as you might have guessed- you’ll need a Google business account in order to qualify for product placement, and a bit of SEO strategy in order to rank appropriately.

Google Maps

Google maps is an incredible way for local brick and mortar shops and well as online retailers to reach their immediate customer base.

Allowing users to perform a quick search for anything they may need in the area.

Moreover, this free listing service doesn’t just work in the google maps app, but also integrates with the search engine itself- helping to prioritize businesses that may be local to whomever is searching for them.

In order to effectively wield the promotional power of Google Maps and location based services, you’ll need to establish and verify a Google Business Profile- which is actually pretty simple.

Once your profile has been established and verified- optimization once again becomes important.

As it can more easily tie your business to relevant searches, even to show up in the list of “nearby” businesses that are marked directly on a map of search engine results.

These top ranked results also offer the added benefit of showcasing any google reviews your business might have and linking directly to your website, showing business hours, and even offering promotions.

Google Business Profile

Google MyBusiness profile example
Google MyBusiness Profile example

In order to really get the most out of your Google Business Profile and Google Search Ads, you’ll need a great website.

While that sounds pretty obvious- a great website isn’t just one that has decent content and products- but one that really represents your brand and works well. Bring customers in, and keep them there.

A professional website is important, but so is a well optimized one. Which are sometimes difficult, if not impossible, to create using free web publishing services.

So if you’re going to spend money, spend it on creating an incredible, user friendly site. One that works well on both mobile and desktop devices.

A great business website can also function as an advertising platform for associated business– by allowing for programmatic display advertising.

Which can offer your business additional income and additional exposure through collaborative marketing campaigns.

How to Optimize for Google Featured Snippets?

What are Google Featured Snippets?

Google Featured Snippets are search results with an emphasized layout format that provides users concise and direct answers to their questions.

Featured snippets appear above the number one result position on the search result page, also known as the “Zero Position”, thus gaining a privileged spot among all searches.

In fact, “what’s different with a featured snippet is that it is enhanced to draw user attention on the results page”, says Google.

This type of search result includes a precise answer, the source link, page title, and URL.

There are four main types of Google Featured Snippets:

● Paragraph

The Paragraph snippet is the most common type, with 82% of presence on Google search. To expose this snippet, Google extracts a text between 50 and 60 words long from a page that answers the user’s question.

Example of a Paragraph Featured Snippet

● List

The list type of snippet helps the user to achieve a goal within a methodical action. It can be formatted in two ways: numbered or bulleted. The first is a numerical list where you can follow a step-by-step order. The second follows organized topics but the order is not relevant.

● Table

The table type is ideal to show collections of data. If the data is available on your site, Google will automatically produce the table format for the snippet.

● Video

Video featured snippet is the most recent type of snippet provided by Google. It selects relevant videos that fulfil the answer to the user’s targeted question. Hence, it’s possible to see a highlighted clip suggesting the specific location of the answer.

Example of a Featured Snippet Video

How to Optimize for Featured Snippets?

There’s no procedure that allows you to reach directly the “Zero Position”. The only certainty is that creating well-structured content that gives direct answers to a certain query, helps your business to reach that privileged position.

With that said, let’s see how you can optimize your content on each format:

● Paragraph

First, before you start creating content for a paragraph snippet, it is advisable to follow these types of queries:

  • Who is…
  • What is…
  • Where is…
  • How is…
  • Comparing A and B

After choosing the type of query, it’s important to place it in an H2 or H3 tag and write the answer directly below.

Answers should be confined to between 50 and 60 words, using the <p> tag. This tag defines a paragraph –  it’s an HTML essential attribute.

● List

To optimize the content for the list featured snippet, it is advisable to outline the steps with the proper list tags in your post and for each action or step, use a heading.

In fact, Google has better readability when lists are well-structured. Thus, it’s important to set up the information you provide with the specific list tags such as <li>, <ol> or <ul>.

For example:






We defined this example list as an unordered list.

Once you have your content structured and steps lined up, remember to put a suitable incentive with the following brief phrases: “here are”, “follow these steps”, or “start with”.

● Table

Table type snippets are ideal to display collections of data your business may have. There isn’t any specific way to get Google’s attention on each site’s data. However, it’s important to:

  • Organize the data in a table;
  • Start the table with a relevant heading followed by the table itself and data;
  • It is also important to guarantee that the table has between three to four rows, to increase the chance of people clicking through.

This will not only improve the user experience that you must provide but will also make it easy for Google to find your data.

● Video

Since Google favours video content, it is quite easy for you to optimize this type of featured snippets by:

  • Organizing the content in a step-by-step format;
  • Uploading the video closed captions;
  • Optimizing the video description with long-tail keywords;
  • Inserting the answer to the query at the beginning of the video’s description.  

In order to help you optimize your content, here are some useful tools you can use:

●  SEMrush

SEMrush is a software that provides a wide variety of intelligent and useful data for your business. Website traffic information, site audits, and topic research are some SEO specs available on this online service.

With this tool, you’ll be able to efficiently track and supervise featured snippets that already exist. Plus, you can discover and identify new potential opportunities to rank your content.

Example of SEMrush
Featured Snippet Tab by SEMrush

By clicking on the feature snippets tab you’ll be primarily provided with an Opportunities list. This list allows you to check the potential keywords that will help you rank your content.

● Answer The Public

Answer the Public is an online tool that provides queries about a certain topic you may want to develop content on. To use this tool you just need to type the keyword on the search area and get the results right after.

This autosuggest tool is provided by Google & Bing and it gathers search queries users are using on the internet.

For example, in this case, we typed the word SEO, and this was the result:

Image Provided by PeopleAlsoAsk

The results follow 10 types of queries: When, Why, Who, What, Which, Where, Will, Can, and Are. This gives you significant insight and sources for content ideas.

● Search for the query on Google search results

Google is constantly changing its parameters, so it’s important for you to search which type of snippet Google is displaying at the moment.

Is Google showing video featured snippets? Ordered lists? Tables of data?

By doing this, you can optimize and try to rank for the specific format that Google will be featuring.

● Google Search Field

Typing on the search bar will provide ideas of what people are searching for.

● Google People Also Ask

Example of People Also Ask

The “People also ask” box is a Google universal SERP result that answers questions related to the searcher’s initial query.

● Google Related Searches

You can find this suggestion box down under the first result page on Google search result page. The box will show you topics related to the term initially searched, which might give you useful ideas about what users are asking.

Example of Google Related Searches

Ready to optimize your content for Google Featured Snippets? Find out which type of Feature Snippet best suits the sort of content you produce and how you can adapt it for delivering your message more easily. With these tips, we’re sure you’ll manage to achieve results in no time.

In case you have any doubts about this or other matters, please don’t hesitate to contact UniK SEO. We would be happy to help.

The Impact of Augmented Reality on Local SEO

Augmented reality has seen significant improvements over the past few years, and its effects are beginning to be felt in digital marketing and local SEO.

For most people, AR is a fantastical geek concept that will never be integrated into the mainstream culture or affect their lives in any way. Andy Hughes, CMO at PBN Pilot recently said: “Most SEO experts don’t know the first thing about it let alone if and how it can go hand in hand with local SEO.”

In this article you will be introduced to augmented reality and how experts predict it will transform local SEO. 

What exactly is augmented reality?

For people who know a thing or two about augmented reality, the confusion most likely comes in when virtual reality gets involved.

AR and VR are inverse reflections of each other with what they are meant to achieve for the user. While virtual reality seeks to offer a recreation or simulation of a real-life situation, augmented reality puts layers of digital enhancements on the real world to make it interactive and useful.

Augmented reality may have picked off more slowly than VR but it is now being integrated into real life, and its applications have been phenomenal over the past three or so years.

Pokémon Go – a game that places digital game characters in real-life environments and locations with the help of your phone’s camera – is perhaps the most popular and sophisticated AR-based application thus far. Others include the Snapchat filter tool, which uses the older face detection technology to paint digital decorations on your face in a mesmerizingly realistic manner.

In marketing, home improvement stores like IKEA are already using augmented reality to superimpose appliances in home spaces before purchasing them, which effectively does away with the need for pre-purchase in-store product inspection.

The Impact of Augmented Reality on Local SEO

4 ways in which augmented reality will impact local SEO

Not much has been done yet as regards merging the two concepts, but projected applications of the technology in search engine optimization don’t look all that far-fetched.

Here are four ways AR can transform local SEO:

1. Google My Business Listings

When a customer searches your business online, the information they are likely to see first is what you have on your Google My Business Listing. Businesses should brace for the changes by optimizing their businesses with high-quality images, contacts, working hours and other relevant information.

So, where does augmented reality come in? Well, one workable way is that when a customer scans a business premise, the listing will appear superimposed on the building providing them with all relevant information before they can make their decision.

The more comprehensive and compelling the information is, the more likely it is that the business will attract more customers.

2. Location

Geolocation is the practice of determining the exact geographical location of a device or person with regard to the location of other known objects. Augmented reality can be used by businesses to alert people in the neighbourhood with AR apps of the business, its exact location and what it offers.

Businesses can use compelling graphics to provide information instead of just plain text, which can be tedious to go through if there are many businesses sending notifications.

For instance, you could be walking down the street, and a McDonald’s store a few blocks away sends a notification with flashy images of milkshakes and French fries hovering on your screen.

Sellers can also make their products more interactive by providing important information using animated images whenever a customer focuses their AR devices on the product. Used another way would be, users get to view a short video of a computer game above its pack right from the shelf by just scanning its cover in the store.

3. Reviews

AR can be a platform for customers to provide feedback on their experience using a product or service. For instance, you could be in a shopping mall, and every time you scan a store, the latest user reviews pop up on your screen to help you decide if you should shop in the store or not.

Customer feedback is an essential aspect of local SEO which rewards business owners with quality customer care. Most businesses are relaxed with their quality of service because not many customers take their time to check customer reviews online before making purchases.

AR simplifies the system and encourages businesses to adopt practices that attract positive reviews, which is a win for both the business and the customers. Also, companies will ease the customer complaint management process to prevent customers from directly airing their grievances in reviews.

4. Citations

Citations make for all the mentions your business gets on the internet. Getting your business on citation apps that offer enhanced augmented reality experiences to potential consumers might become a necessity in the near future, according to experts.

One of the reasons citations matter in local SEO is that Google and another search.

engines trust the major citation sites, with increased citations significantly boosting your rankings.

Citation sites such as Yelp are expected to develop AR apps through which consumers can view ratings and reviews of different businesses in the same industry. Businesses on Yelp will undoubtedly have the edge on their rivals prompting them to seek citations as well.

Even currently, when you do a local search, online business directories fill the first results page, and this is the same weight you would expect AR apps to carry.

The Impact of Augmented Reality on Local SEO

What can you do with Augmented Reality?

You may be the owner of a small business wondering how AR can be integrated into your local SEO strategy to keep you above your competitors. Well, most of these applications are just projections, and nothing beats getting ahead of the curve with new technologies.

Companies such as Amazon and IKEA are beginning to make use of AR, and it won’t be long before your direct competitors wake up to the seriousness of it and decide to migrate.

By practising good SEO techniques, you are getting yourself braced for when the technology takes over SEO and marketing. Early adoption has always paid generously when it comes to SEO.

Google Shopping Ads will Start Appearing Automatically on Google Images

The users with shopping ads will start seeing their ads appearing automatically on Google Images. This change is good news for the clients using Google Shopping Ads, as they won’t have to activate the feature manually anymore. Google announced the modification last week, through an e-mail sent to its users. The adjustments will be up by the end of March.

What changed in Google Ads?

Until now, if you wanted to place your Google Shopping Ads in Google Images, you would have to do it manually. It was necessary to activate the Search Partner Network so that the ads would appear in the image search.

This week, however, we learned that these mechanics will be changed by the end of March. From now on, shopping ads will automatically appear on Google Images.

To clarify, what will happen is that Google’s image section will not be a part of the Search Partner Network anymore – it will become part of Google’s Search Network. Hence, it won’t be necessary to activate the Search Partner Network to place your ads on Google Images. Because the images section will integrate the nuclear search network, the ads start to automatically appear in this space when the users search for relevant keywords.

What does this mean for Google Shopping Ads users?

Google Shopping Ads will automatically and mandatorily appear on Google’s image page. This is not an option and it is not possible to deactivate this feature.

As a result, Google writes in the announcement e-mail, the Google Ads of campaigns that don’t currently have the Search Partner Network activated will start appearing on Google Images. Google’s team says that this change will bring more qualified traffic to the users’ websites, as well as it will increase the traffic volume. In the e-mail, they say that it may also produce a 3 to 10% traffic increase at a lower CPC and comparable conversion rates.

What should happen, concretely, is that the traffic in the Search Partner Network decreases, since this network will no longer comprehend the image search traffic. Consequently, the image search traffic will be transferred to the Search Network, whose total traffic will experiment with an increase.

UniK SEO is officially certified in Shopping Advertising. We offer specialized services that assist Google Shopping campaigns. If you think Shopping Advertising may be an adequate strategy for your business, don’t hesitate to ask us a free SEO analysis.

SEO Strategy: Are you the egg or the chicken?

If you are reading this article, I’m pretty sure it is not the first time you have been hearing about SEO strategy. (Just in case I’m wrong you can check our previous post first here).

In which case I won’t bore you with “the greatest strategies of SEO” or “The hidden secrets” that you already know! Instead, I will help you analyse your SEO in order to define which strategies are the best for you. Where are you at you’re best and when are you failing.

This will allow you to occupy your precious time with the best SEO strategy for you!

This SEO strategy will tell if you are the egg or the chicken!

Recently, someone got to the bottom of this question and after I don’t know how much time, but I’m betting a lot,  he figured out the answer. So what the hell does this have anything to do with SEO strategy?

First, don’t you want to know the answer? The answer is as simples as this: an egg can become something that is not a chicken, and because of that every chicken had to be first of all and egg, but not all of the eggs came from chickens.

So the answer is: First came the egg.

Now to the point: If you are used to SEO techniques you are the egg, if you are new to this whole thing, you are the chicken!

Best SEO strategies for eggs

The strong thing about “eggs” is that they understand what is happening, they’ve seen it arrive and they know how to deal with it.

The problem with this type of SEO marketeers are the “old habits”. They forget to do their homework and keep looking for new and better ways to have things done.

Even if you are the best, you’ve studied, you’ve read. It is not enough, the digital age is transforming everything at overwhelming speed, including itself. So the best strategy for the “eggs” is to keep informed.

Generally, this type of marketeers also differs from the “chickens” when it comes to technical skills. So take advantage of that and work on content and innovation.

Do not settle! Now that you know your strengths here is a list of current and amazing tools to help you keep up with SEO changes.

Google Webmaster YouTube Channel

Local SEO Changes

SEO Patents

Google or HubSpot Analytics

Google Search Console (aka Google Webmaster tools)

And then came the chicken…

A totally different story is the chicken SEO strategy. Actually, it’s the opposite. Unlike the egg, the chicken came after and is working hard to keep up. Because they are new, they research a lot, they keep reading, asking questions and learning about different and new ways to do things.

The problem with these chickens is that they are all over the place. Trying to fix everything and learn everything and they do not focus. Also, they can’t really tell if something is great or terrible advice and just go for it. On the other hand, those tend to have the most interesting contents because they are writing genuinely from their hearts.

I’m the chicken, now what? Well, if you are the chicken, the answer to your problems is focus and practice. Focus on your SEO strategy, and practice until you know it by heart. Otherwise, you will be wondering around in between tips and techniques and nothing will ever become strong enough to work.

Hope you found this useful!

If you want to check out some more of our SEO related articles, we suggest the one on “Keyword Research Tools“.